This is a cheat list of the most used Network commands used in Linux.

Linux Network Commands
CommandIt solves the problem of...
ifconfig Display and manipulate route and network interfaces
ip It is a replacement of ifconfig command
 traceroute Network troubleshooting utility
tracepath Similar to traceroute but doesn't require root privileges
ping To check connectivity between two nodes
 netstat Display connection information
nslookup Check IP Address linked to a domain name
dig Query DNS related information
route Shows and manipulate IP routing table
host Performs DNS lookups
arp View or add contents of the kernel's ARP table
iwconfig Used to configure wireless network interface
hostname To identify a network name
curl  To download a file from internet
mtr Combines ping and tracepath into a single command
whois Will tell you about the website's whois
ifup Brings interface up
ifdown Brings interface down